South Bay Security logo


Best completed on desktop computer or tablet.

What type of work are you willing to accept?*  

Application Date    
First Name* Last Name*
Social Security Number* Date of Birth*
Present Address  
Street Address:* City*
State* Zip* 
Home Phone* Cell
Email Address*    
Guard Card?*
Driver License Number*
Have your own transportation?
Desired Salary    


Security has mostly night schedules, which include working weekends. Is this acceptable? *
What shift do you prefer?*
Security requires walking for long periods of time; will this be a problem? *
Security requires that all accepted applicants pass an entrance exam and are fingerprinted. Is this acceptable? *
Do you understand that a Security Officer is NOT a Police Officer?*
There are certain mandatory documents you MUST possess in order to work as Security Officer and it is your responsibility. Is this acceptable?*
In order to become a Security Officer the law requires that your I.D. and fingerprints be submitted to the FBI and DOJ. Your guard card license will then be approved or denied.


Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?*
Charge City, State Date Disposition


Name and Address of School Course of Study Last Year
Graduate? List of Diploma
or Degree

High School*



Trade / Professional



(other than previous employers/relatives and in providing this information,
you allow South Bay Security to contact the reference listed)
Name Address Phone

List below present and past employment,
beginning with the MOST RECENT

Address (street) City*
State Zip
Telephone* Supervisor*
Start Date* End Date*
Starting Wage* Ending Wage*
Describe Duties:*
Reason you left*

Address (street) City
State Zip
Telephone Supervisor
Start Date End Date
Starting Wage Ending Wage
Describe Duties:
Reason you left

Address (street) City
State Zip
Telephone Supervisor
Start Date End Date
Starting Wage Ending Wage
Describe Duties:
Reason you left



Were you in the Armed Forces?*
If so, what branch?
Start Date of Duty Discharge Date
Type of Discharge Received: Rank at time of Discharge

Tell us why you want to be a Security Officer (minimum 25 words)*

I understand by clicking SUBMIT, I certify that I have read and agree to the terms below:

  • I understand that South Bay Security may terminate my employment at any time without any reason and that nothing in this application or in the granting of an interview creates a contract of employment or for providing any benefit.
  • I understand that in order to be considered for employment, I agree to submit to a physical examination and drug screening. I also agree to submit to any random drug screening and /or physical examination when requested by South Bay Security and that it may lead to immediate termination of employment without liability.
  • I have read and understand all sections of this employment application and that the statements are true and complete. I also understand that any false statements on this application or any future documents I will be required to fill out and sign will be means for dismissal.
  • I consent to the release of all information about my ability and fitness for the position I have applied for by employers, schools, law enforcement agencies, and other individuals and organizations and all other authorized employees of all companies.

* required information


The company maintains a policy of nondiscrimination with employees and/or applicants for employment. No aspect of employment will be influenced in any manner by race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.